Legal Notice

Registration details

DOMENECH ADVOCATS, S.C.P., generally known and referred to as “ DOMENECH ABOGADOS”, is a professional civil partnership all of whose members are lawyers registered with the Barcelona Bar. Its tax identification code number is G63738413 and it is authorised to use the domain names and (“the Websites”).

The Websites’ contents

The Websites provide general information about the law firm DOMENECH ABOGADOS and Spanish law and legal practice.  No action, decision or conclusion should be taken, adopted or drawn on the basis of such information without previous case-specific legal advice having been requested and obtained (of and from DOMENECH ABOGADOS or other qualified professionals). None of the contents of the Websites should be understood to be legal advice supplied by DOMENECH ABOGADOS and none of DOMENECH ABOGADOS or its partners, employees or associates shall be liable for any damage or prejudice derived from actions or omissions taken or made in reliance of such contents. The supply of specific legal advice by DOMENECH ABOGADOS generally requires prior client signature of DOMENECH ABOGADOS’ operating terms and conditions and the provision by DOMENECH ABOGADOS of appropriate client care information.   

Data Protection, Privacy Policy and Access Rights

DOMENECH ABOGADOS may include and retain personal details provided by visitors to the Websites as computerised data and/or in computerised files. The aim of such inclusion or retention is exclusively that of processing queries and requests received for legal services and information, thus enabling DOMENECH ABOGADOS to provide answers to such communications and/or notify additional information or potential services on offer.  These data or files shall not be transferred to third parties not associated with DOMENECH ABOGADOS. Visitors to the Websites who have provided such personal details may at any time exercise rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition by contacting DOMENECH ABOGADOS at


DOMENECH ABOGADOS reserves its copyright in the contents of the Websites. The unauthorised reproduction, copying, distribution, modification and/or commercial exploitation of such contents are strictly prohibited. This prohibition applies also to the establishment of non-authorised hyperlinks in non-related websites. The eventual existence of any such hyperlinks shall not imply any commercial relationship between DOMENECH ABOGADOS and the holder of the non-related websites or the acceptance by DOMENECH ABOGADOS of their contents. 

Applicable Law and Jurisdiction

This legal notice is given in accordance with Spanish Data Protection and E-Services Acts 15/1999, 34/2002 and other related Spanish legislation. Spanish law and Spanish jurisdiction shall be exclusively applicable, whether for Spanish or foreign visitors to the Websites (and wherever such visitors are based), in connection with any dispute arising concerning the Websites.
diseño web y marketing online: icode consultores